Friday, July 15, 2011

Crazy Summer!

Wow, have I been slacking!

Unfortunately, just busier than I should be... First, J got sick, then she passed it on to both K and I. Thanks, kid! She sure has a funny way of showing her parents she loves them, doesn't she? ;)

When I caught it, I ended up with a mild ear infection. Go me. Fortunately I was able to get away without antibiotics- it took a little longer but I am not going to complain. Especially since I could have this baby at any time- and I am going to have to be treated with abx in labor b/c of my GBS status this time around! (lucky me!- you know you wanna be me!)

Speaking of babies, as I stated it could be any day now. N was due yesterday and I am still pregnant, even after much speculation from my co-workers that I wouldn't make it. Imagine their surprise when I told them I got the same thing when I was preggo with Jessy and still went past- and it looks like her sister is going to be the same way. Of course, I'm not going to label this little girl stubborn yet- there is a full moon tonight and one of the ladies in my July baby group said that most full-moon babies are born the night before, of and after the full moon. So if I make it through tomorrow night, then I will officially call this kid stubborn and raise her rent. If all else fails, eviction is set... for 7/26. I'd have set it for this coming Thursday but the doc will be on vacation until 7/26, so....

My last day of work was a week ago in anticipation of this kid coming at any time. I didn't want to go into labor or have my water break at work- EEK! Even though it was just down the street from the hospital (literally!)- it would have been too traumatic. The last day was way more emotional for me than I thought it would be. I worked a half-day and cried my eyes out as I said goodbye to my co-workers. I hate hormones! Unfortunately, FMLA, as it didn't last time, has no teeth for me, so I am not guaranteed a position. However, my boss has told me once I am ready to come back to e-mail in and hopefully there will be something- I really want to go back to this company! They have treated me very well- even threw me a baby shower for this little girl. Yup, this is the same company that threw the office a Christmas party at an off-the-chain Italian restaurant and paid for all of us. It is a smaller company, so FMLA may not have applied anyway, but I'm not complaining. It's a good company that hopefully I will be able to return to in a couple of months here. Fingers crossed they have space for me! (I swear I will cry if they can't- the schedule that K and I have worked out over the last 11.5 months has worked out very well, between my schedule and his. I can't go back to working the same hours as he does b/c that will put J in daycare for too many hours per day again, and not to mention we would have to find another daycare to put her in as well.)

Just keeping my fingers crossed that all works out- my motto is that God never gives you more than you can handle- and if he leads you to it he will lead you through it!

My big, "fat," preggo belly at 40 weeks! C'mon N!

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