Monday, June 28, 2010

A Month of Firsts

Wow, time sure flies! Wait, I keep saying that, don't I? *lol* Perhaps it's time for another blog-name change? Nah. Just kidding.

Jessica will be 5 months old in another week. She has had her first taste of solids. Plain ol' white-rice cereal, pumped up with DHA and probiotics (mmmmmmmm....). The very first real-food feeding was a family affair, with daddy holding Jessy after a few sips of baba to calm her down, and mommy actually giving her the spoon. She loved it. Since we don't have a fancy camcorder that I can plug into the 'puter like I can my still-camera, you'll have to bear my description. ;) Her expressions were priceless and while a few times she looked like she was going to cry, she trucked on, swallowing her mini-spoonful and smiling, all before opening her mouth toward a spoonful of cereal to start all over again.

ummmmmm... what is this STUFF??

ew. uh, ok, mommy and daddy... I've had enough for now. Interesting stuff, though!
Another first came along this past Saturday night at our locat fireworks display. Our city does them the week before July 4, which makes for more fun since we get to stretch out the celebration and have more parties. ;) But this year was more special than all others, as we had an extra attendee with us. Yup, Jessy saw her first fireworks Saturday. Her mommy, daddy and Uncle Jeff parked a ways away from the park then walked the rest of the way, which made for a decent workout after our picnic-style dinner under the sky (okay, it was at at table, but still...). They bumped into an old co-worker of mommy's, who recommended an awesome stake-out spot for viewing the fireworks. They took his recommendation and were very happy. The view was incredible (as is every year, from this park), even with the parking lot lights shining away behind us (they were the only ones not shut off).
Daddy! What's all the booming? Hold my hand!

As for the next first, that may be teething. Jessy was quite fussy yesterday evening and when I handed her her texturized keys, she went crazy holding them while rubbing her little gums on them. Of course, those teefy-weefies have been teasing us for quite some time now, so we'll see...

1 comment:

Chele said...

Jessie is adorable. You might try getting some of those freeze pops. The shorter ones worked best when Derek and Jake were teething. Don't open them just hand one too her and let her gum it.

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