Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Dear, Sweet Life... How time flies!!

I can't believe it's the middle of August already, and that being said I'm 16 1/2 weeks along already. The big U/S is set for 9/2 (not 9/4, as I probably originally reported) and hopefully we'll find out then if Snowflake is a little Miss or Mr.

I did have a dream the other day that Snowflake was a healthy baby girl, so we'll see how that goes! Historically, these dreams have been accurate for me... at least on others. Two of my aunts had babies whose sex was predicted accurately by a dream I had about them, and recently a cousin, so we'll see!

So here I sit, in awe with Snowflake and trying to decide what to do for dinner; Keith and I are horribly lazy today. The weekend has gone too quick and I won't have another real weeked for Lord-knows-how-long: I ahve to work Saturdays again. :( That's 4/5 this month (but I'm not the only one who has this kind of rotation)! Hopefully some of the perm folks there will speak up about it, though, as I don't feel very safe talking it up since I'm *just* a contractor right now. We won't go there. ;)

As for my dear Snowflake, I'm pretty sure I felt him/her move today. I was driving down the road (fortunately with DH, so I got to brag right then and there) and the band of my shorts was jabbing into my stomach a little, in just the right place where Snowflake would be. It felt like butterflies in there- it was so cool! There are a couple of other times I may have felt the LO but I'm not sure if it was just gas or not, but this one SOOOOO didn't feel like gas. YAY Snowflake!


Anonymous said...

It's just kind of a lazy kind of summer isn't it?

CrazyMom said...

You know that's right! I am ready for it to be over- it's been so hot here! :(

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