Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Eons gone by

Here we go again!! 
Has it been a while or what? I can't believe it's been six months since my last post- and that 2015 is nearly half-over. Whoa. 

Where to begin?

I'll start with our crazy-cold winter. Ok maybe not quite as cold as 2014's winter, as our highest gas bill was only in the $80's as opposed to the $140's. That said, we had a chance to go sledding, which rarely happens in Dallas! We bundled up, buckled up and carefully slid/drove up and down some hills over to a hill next to the middle school we live near, pulled out the hubs' old childhood sled and let it rip! I didn't get any pics of the sweeties sledding as I was busy running up and sledding down with them, but suffice to say we got in a good workout. 

The girls ended up enjoying it thoroughly but we're ready to go home pretty quickly. But not before I grabbed some cool snow pics. 

Snowflake, as seen on the rear side window of our car. Taken with an iPhone 5s. 

As was this one. 

But it's probably a good thing we didn't run around too much, as a big surprise was in store for us the next day. 

Here we go again!! Baby Gummy Bear is due 10/28. Assuming baby cooperates, we will find out if our newest tornado is a lad or a lass next month. 

We are very excited! 2015 is turning out to be an exciting year for us. 

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