Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jessy's Baptism... Finally!

Finally, on so many levels. Jessy was actually baptized on 10/9/10 but I didn't post right away because it was such a busy weekend... we spent the night at grammy's house after the awesome party she threw us and then came home- we were still tired! lol

Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pics of the ceremony itself, but we got these beautiful pics of Jessy in her (mom's) dress before and after our child was initiated into the Church (well, part i of iii, anyway ;)). Yes, Jessy wore a dress from circa 1981, and it not only fit her beautifully, but held up through multiple washings and dryings. Heck yeah.


 Jessy with her proud Godparents

Jessy with her proud parents!

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