Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy (belated) Halloween!

Yeeeeahhhhh, I've got some catching up to do. But, two blogs in one day? Man I must be on something. OK, I promise- I'm not. Jessy had her first Halloween this year and while she didn't actually go TOT'ing (yeah, I got lazy on that), she still had the opportunity to answer the door and had out candy.

In true snowflake fashion, Jessy dressed up as Snow White. But trust me when I say that finding a Halloween costume for this child was no easy feat. I visited many a store and came up empty-handed. Either the costumes were too big, too small or just too expensive and even Jessy was becoming impatient. I finally resigned myself to no costume for our adorable little snowflake.

And of course, after I resigned myself to not finding anything and just dressing jessy up in the garb Grammy bought her, I saw it: the somewhat-big (or so I thought) Snow White dress. And it was only about $8. That was more like it.

Without much further boring rambling, behold! Jessy the Snow Princess.

Jessy's Baptism... Finally!

Finally, on so many levels. Jessy was actually baptized on 10/9/10 but I didn't post right away because it was such a busy weekend... we spent the night at grammy's house after the awesome party she threw us and then came home- we were still tired! lol

Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pics of the ceremony itself, but we got these beautiful pics of Jessy in her (mom's) dress before and after our child was initiated into the Church (well, part i of iii, anyway ;)). Yes, Jessy wore a dress from circa 1981, and it not only fit her beautifully, but held up through multiple washings and dryings. Heck yeah.


 Jessy with her proud Godparents

Jessy with her proud parents!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I did. Apparently, too many times. It's November already. How'd that happen??? I mean, I believe I had a resolution, which felt like it was the beginning/middle of last month, to be a better blogger. I believe I have gone in the opposite direction. Please forgive me.

Jessy turns 9 months on Friday. She will have been outside of me nearly as long as she was baking on the inside! For the past several weeks, she has been working on her crawling skills and has become a pro at it. And our princess spooked us the day before Halloween by... STANDING! I caught it all on video, since I know any readers I have left nowadays aren't going to believe me. ;) *crickets*

Without much further ado, here's the footage!

The second vid is a tad dramatic b/c it ends with Jessy falling over my leg and she looks terrified. but rest assured our little snowflake didn't even cry, much to her mama's relief.

The little snowflaker is doing well with the baby food nowadays- we started sending some off to the baby sitter's place with her every day and she is taking it like a champ. Unless she is at home, though, but more on that later. (I mean it this time!)
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