Thursday, August 12, 2010

Carrots, Green Beans and Bronx Cheers

One week ago today, Jess turned the big 6 m-o-n-t-h-s. She went for her checkup as usual, weighing in at her snow-normous, well, 17 pounds*, 27 inches long with a 17-inch noggin. Per the doc's recommendation, we have stepped up on her solid-food consumption. 

We started with carrots and stayed with that for five days (minimum of four days). But tonight, we started the green beans. YUM! Seriously, when I opened the packet some of the puke-green puree splashed out on to my thumbnail. So I did what any other crazy, loving mom would do: I tasted it. And surprisingly it was- very tasty! Of course it wasn't very satisfying, but still tasted good. Like actual green beans. 

However, Jess had other ideas. Tired little thing she was, she drooled, spit and Bronx-cheered most of the tasty morsels out of her mouth.

*16 pounds, 15 1/2 ounces.


Fabulous Terrah said...

Oh, how I miss that age. ♥ ♥ ♥

CrazyMom said...

Ahh, they grow up way too fast!

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