Monday, May 10, 2010


I have slacked. Again. Life here has been way too busy- I am barely keeping up here as a working mom but somehow I manage to do it. I think it is largely Keith's help that is getting my through this.

Even though I work 8-5 now and Jessy only spends 7 hours in daycare per day most days, I STILL have the lovely mommy guilt. Tonight I played with her a bit- placed her down for some tummy time on her mat and she totally went through the motions of crawling! Unfortunately I didn't get pics of it, but one day I will put her down and she will take off... and I will have to run after her! I'd better start training yesterday.

Saturday's Tummy Time pic...

Chillin' for her Saturday AM nap! She takes her ZZZ's seriously. And yes, that is a pacifier in her hair!

On another note, our home improvement projects are- well- coming along. We tore the wallpaper off of one of the kitchen walls and let me tell ya, it was scary! Of course, what should one expect when renovating/remodeling a 1972 house?! Pictures to come.

And last but definitely not least... happy belated Mothers' Day to all the mommies out there (Earth AND Angel mamas alike)!! Keith and Jessica bought me a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips, some chocolate and a couple of blouses. They know me well!

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