Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thanksgiving Scramble (Pic Heavy!)

So here we are... late November 2014 already. It seems like just yesterday that we celebrated Snowy's 4th birthday and now here we are, getting ready to haul another big turkey out of the fridge and into the oven.

What have been doing the last several months? More like what haven't we been doing!

Chasing kids around, cooking and cleaning house are a full-time job in themselves, but add on the kids and you get a circus! A circus that I wouldn't trade for the world, of course... ;)

For starters, Snowflake and Firecracker scouted the 'hood for candy as Elsa and Anna on Halloween and made out like a couple of little bandits. Their pumpkins were nearly full!

Crazy girls ready for a night on the town!

And now that you've received your dose of cute, let's fast-forward to our crazy time of year; I've decided to take on the turkey project again (Henry looks juicy yet again!) and host everyone (which is a rather light group for us this year; BIL is joining. We've invited his dog- the more the merrier!)

Yum! You know you want some... ;)
Last night I started the dessert tray- made a yummy rhubarb pie somewhat from scratch (I didn't make my own crust- ain't nobody got time fo'dat!). Amidst that I cleaned our living room, vacuumed, and cleaned out the girls' car seats. Man, those things were awful! I'm amazed that they didn't get up and walk out of the car, so sorry, no before pics. ;)

Trust me, these things were yucky. 

And this year we have a new oven, as the other one was just not up to par. It performs just as beautifully as it looks! Can't wait to see what it does to ol' Henry. ;)

 No it's not your imagination; the back-left burner is crooked. It didn't work. At all.
Much better. Four FIVE working burners and a CONVECTION oven to boot.

And since the oven is ready to go and I'm not, we all know what I must do. Stay tuned!
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