Sky-Gazing through the trees
So we had to be out of our house bright and early this morning- by 10am. For us, that is early.

While husband and girls got their breakfast, I somehow slipped through the cracks, probably from running around cleaning up after the tornadoes, showering and shining the windows in the kitchen, as was Keith- but he eats at literally twice the pace that I do. We quickly remedied that situation by stopping at McDonald’s and I ordered a sausage McMuffin (instead of the usual egg McMuffin) and a coffee (which, btw, was sooooooo delicious!).
We then made our way to my brother-in-law’s house to park my car, intending to walk over to the Plano Balloon Festival, which happens annually in our neck of the woods. We loaded up the double stroller on its low tires, hung up the diaper bag and started making our way over. However, something was amiss…
I quickly noticed that there were no balloons in the sky, as there had been the day before. Jessy and I had seen the balloons floating around that morning and she was so excited to see them. I stopped walking and pulled out my phone (TG for mobile internet!) and googled the shindig. Sure enough, the balloon launch had already happened, at 6am! The next one was at 6pm, when were were already penciled in to be over the river and through the woods.
We then discussed our next action and decided to walk through the nearby residential neighborhood and seek out the short-sale home we had seen on the internet and driven by just weeks before. After sweating out a few drops and hiding from the sun as much as possible, we came upon it, and it looked just as beautiful as it had when we quickly drove by it. Sadly, it looked just as overgrown, but that was nothing that couldn’t be cured with a pair of hedge clippers and a hacksaw. Oh yeah, and a little elbow grease, too.
We continued down the street and came upon the quiet cul-de-sac and continued down the extended sidewalk, which took us across a bridge over a shallow creek to another subdivision. There were teen-age boys on their bikes riding along the small hills within the woods that surrounded us, doing sick tricks and 360′s as they popped up and around the crests of the hills.
We continued on our way and reached a bridge that overlooked a huge chasm with a quiet creek floating through it. The four of us stopped and admired the beauty of the clear water running over the sand and rocks, which Jessy made clear she was excited to see.

Little doll missed out on the rocks.
Once we arrived at the aforementioned subdivision, we quickly decided to turn around so we could stay in the shade. This time, once we passed the bikers’ trick zone, we continued south on the path and stayed in the shade, admiring the beauty of the trees and leaves that were beginning to fall.
We continued walking until we happened upon a beautiful foreclosure home (which may be a later post

), looked into the windows and loved on it. One of the neighbors saw us (GULP!) and chatted up my husband and actually seemed very nice, and that is always a bonus.
We quickly concluded our walk after that, as we were becoming hot in this Texas sun; the summers never seem to like to end around here.

We loaded everybody up into the car and hit up the store where we bought some cold liquids to drink on the way to lunch.
A perfect ending to a perfect house-selling adventure.
Until next time, viva la vida!