Sunday, February 19, 2012

Silly Sunday

Well I can't believe another weekend has already gone by! We spent some time chillin' out then cleaning house for BIL's birthday. You know, usual mom stuff other than grocery shopping. ;)

I'm feeling a little draggy since I woke up this morning with a sinus headache from H!ll. Fortunately it was nothing a little hydration and Zyrtec couldn't fix. Our perpetually-running heat (thanks, cold snap!) must have dried me up. Blech.

Ah well, enjoy a few pics of the sisters!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My first try mobile blogging! I finally got my iPhone 4s a couple of weeks ago and love it. I would even go as far as to say its my all-time favorite phone.

I am still learning tricks and tweaks but it is soooo user-friendly I can't complain. Most things I have been able to figure out on my own as far as using the thing. And now that I have discovered the Blogger app, watch out!

Hm all I need to do is figure out how to attach photos...

And I may have just done that. If you see a pic of Keith feeding Nattycakes then the mission is accomplished.

Anyway, if you have a smartphone, what is/are your fave apps?
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