Thursday, May 19, 2011

32 weeks!

32 weeks?? Uh, I'm not going to explode any time soon right?
I'm speechless. I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks along with this one! With Jessy it felt like forever- like I was preggy for 20 months instead of just 10! I had my 32-week checkup as well today and all is well. BP is great (woot!), weight- not for public consumption- surprised I didn't break the scale. ;) It was a decently boring appointment- had what will hopefully be the last of my bloodwork (read: last poke til the birth), measuring and chatting with the doc. Goofy here forgot to ask for the fundal height (last time I was 2w ahead, as I was around this time with Jessy) but the heart rate was a good 168 (Thanks, OJ!)- the kid was bopping around in there like crazy! Even the doc had a bit of a hard time homing in on her with the doppler.

I'm not sure I've mentioned it here, but we have picked a name out, Natalie Grace. So far, Natalie is on track to be expected around 7/14/11!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sappy Sunday

It has been an eventful week. Tornadoes have ripped through much of Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi and killed more than 350 people. They have also been confirmed as having touched down her in Texas but fortunately did not kill anyone. Houses have literally been ripped off their foundations. My phone died, my job messed up a paycheck.

It's times like these that we are reminded of how truly blessed we are. Not to say that those people weren't blessed, but it puts things into perspective. Have bills that need to be paid off and that's why you work instead of staying home with the kid(s)? Have aches and pains that just won't go away? How about a job that doesn't pay reliably? Or being stuck in a monotonous job with nowhere else to go b/c the job market sucks?

Keith recently got into a job where there's more bonus potential. My job? Well, it's a job, but my boss and co-workers rock.

At least we have a safe home to go to. We are alive and healthy. We have jobs. We have a beautiful, healthy daughter with another on the way (who we hope will keep baking until at least June 23rd. ;)). Jessy walks, eats, talks climbs and is even in the process of learning to run! She's (*knock wood*) only been sick enough to keep her home literally a couple of times- pretty good for a kid in daycare from what I understand.

I have some creative juices that I just want to figure out how to apply, so maybe I can get out of the ratrace nice and soon. I will also be in the driver's seat as far as going back to work when this baby comes. That, however, is a whole other post.

Off to go enjoy my husband and daughters.

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