I stole this from Natalie's blog... Highlights (and lowlights) of the year!
1) Learned I was about to go through my first layoff.
2) Started another home-improvement project.
3) Enjoyed our very own version of "Things That go Bump" during our first ice storm of the year.
1) In light of being laid off, decided to put baby-making on hold.
2) 1-year Angelversary (RIP Pumpkin)
3) Joined a new, local social network for local moms :)
1) Was taken hostage by a crazy cat.
2) Walked all the way around White Rock Lake for the first time, ever.
3) Officially began job-hunting. Quickly got over it.
1) Decided that we weren't going to actively avoid baby-making, nor would we actively try. Just not trying, not preventing.
2) Put our job search on hold due to timing issues.
3) Renamed my blog. Here's the story behind it.
1) Turned 28.
2) Realized I had been out of high school for 10 years. EEK!
3) Learned I was pregnant... AGAIN!
1) Announced my pregnancy here. Reveled in the fact of having a healthy snowflake (nickname for Jessica before we knew she was a she).
2) Started getting my very own case of m/s.
3) Deciphered Legalese on a wide variety of paperwork after my layoff.
1) Got my severance check and paid off my car!
2) Saw our sweet snowflake in living motion on a u/s!
3) Had my first episodes of pregnancy brain at work.
1) Felt Snowflake move for the first time. Ahhhh, the butterflies!
2) Scheduled the big u/s... :) :) :)
3) Rejoiced in being in the second trimester.
1) Found out that the baby was a GIRL!
2) Got laid off, again.
3) 2nd wedding anniversary!
1) Started and finished my first Jessica project!
2) Signed up for birthing classes at our hospital.
3) Third trimester!
1) Entered the first hint of a newting phase.
2) Had my baby shower!
3) Thanksgiving!
1) Got the nursery almost done! :)
2) Enjoyed Keith and my last Christmas as just the two of us. Still totally mind-blowing.
3) Enjoyed my first White Christmas!
That's 2009 in brief review. Obviously, more than that happened but those are just some highlights.
My faves of 2009
Favorite moment of 2009: May 24th, 2009. Seeing the positive pregnancy test at 2:00 in the morning.
Favorite song: Do I have to pick just one??
Favorite CD: I didn't get anything new in this department til Christmastime! lol
Favorite movie - Comedy: Hangover
Favorite TV Episode: It's hard to pinpoint just one episode, but I still like Simpsons and Family Guy.
Favorite new show: I didn't know I was pregnant. (I'm such a dork)
Favorite lunch while at work: Anything was good as long as I was able to enjoy it with Keith!
Favorite home cooked meal: Veggie Chicken
Favorite homemade Dessert: Cake! :p~
Favorite gadget: My digital camera
Favorite App: Didn't get any apps- too expensive!
Favorite Website: Facebook
Favorite Radio Station: KVIL 103.7
Favorite Ice Cream: Either Cold Stone Creamery, Klondike, Private Selection... it would just be easier to ask me what I dislike! LOL
Favorite Pizza: Dominos', Pizza Hut, Papa John's or Papa Murphy's
Favorite LOL Moment: Simply too many to count.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
No Dreamin' Needed
Our snow from last night stuck around long enough for us to officially have a white Christmas! This would be the first white Christmas I've ever seen, well- down here in TX anyway... Not sure about New York- I was too young to remember when I lived up there.
In case you're wondering, all of these pics were taken from inside the house. No way I was getting out in that cold just to snap pics! LOL
In case you're wondering, all of these pics were taken from inside the house. No way I was getting out in that cold just to snap pics! LOL
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas? Really??
First off, please accept my apologies for my absence. Between work, getting ready for baby and having some computer issues, things have piled up on me! EEK!
My work schedule has been rather crazy, although somewhat consistent. Basically my daily routine is wake up, go to work, come home, have dinner and go to bed. We work a later shift so it feels this way, anyway. However we are grateful to have jobs, so we're not going to complain that much. LOL Besides, lord only knows how much longer I will be working. Since I haven't been there even 3 months as of the due date (1/27, 3-month mark would be 2/2), I will only be eligible for unpaid disability leave, without job protection., unfortunately. I'm not going to stress too much about that; it is what it is at this point. If my job is handed off to someone else I will have six weeks to do a job search within the company and find something else without having to jump through too many new-hire hoops again (blech).
Enough about that front. I am exhausted today as we had a nasty turnaround (working til 8pm and having to be back by 7am!) and those always mess me up (even before I was preggo!). We expected to have chilly precip today with alot of wind, but who knew we'd get SNOW?? That's right- tons of tiny (and big & fat!) little SNOWFLAKES fell today, blanketing much of North Texas with a white dusting, and it's supposed to continue overnight! I'm trying to not get too excited, but a white Christmas would be awesome- no dreaming needed!
As for myself and Keith, we are getting ready to celebrate the last Christmas as we know it. Our last christmas as just the two of us; by this time next year we will (hopefully!) have beautiful Jessica Nicole getting into everything and us chasing her around the house and keeping her away from the tree. :P But let's not think about that now; we've got plenty of time til that happens. First, we need to meet her and enjoy those first several months, and I'm not about to rush that along- it's going to go fast enough as it is. Her bedroom is coming along nicely, and her fur-sister enjoys it just as much as her mama. ;) We're already sitting at 35w 1d and will start weekly doc appointments, um, next week! Scary and exciting at the same time!
My work schedule has been rather crazy, although somewhat consistent. Basically my daily routine is wake up, go to work, come home, have dinner and go to bed. We work a later shift so it feels this way, anyway. However we are grateful to have jobs, so we're not going to complain that much. LOL Besides, lord only knows how much longer I will be working. Since I haven't been there even 3 months as of the due date (1/27, 3-month mark would be 2/2), I will only be eligible for unpaid disability leave, without job protection., unfortunately. I'm not going to stress too much about that; it is what it is at this point. If my job is handed off to someone else I will have six weeks to do a job search within the company and find something else without having to jump through too many new-hire hoops again (blech).
Enough about that front. I am exhausted today as we had a nasty turnaround (working til 8pm and having to be back by 7am!) and those always mess me up (even before I was preggo!). We expected to have chilly precip today with alot of wind, but who knew we'd get SNOW?? That's right- tons of tiny (and big & fat!) little SNOWFLAKES fell today, blanketing much of North Texas with a white dusting, and it's supposed to continue overnight! I'm trying to not get too excited, but a white Christmas would be awesome- no dreaming needed!
As for myself and Keith, we are getting ready to celebrate the last Christmas as we know it. Our last christmas as just the two of us; by this time next year we will (hopefully!) have beautiful Jessica Nicole getting into everything and us chasing her around the house and keeping her away from the tree. :P But let's not think about that now; we've got plenty of time til that happens. First, we need to meet her and enjoy those first several months, and I'm not about to rush that along- it's going to go fast enough as it is. Her bedroom is coming along nicely, and her fur-sister enjoys it just as much as her mama. ;) We're already sitting at 35w 1d and will start weekly doc appointments, um, next week! Scary and exciting at the same time!
The photo frame will eventually hold a pic of miss JessyNicole. There is caption underneath that reads, "When I count my blessings, I count you twice." That just had Jessica's name written all over it!
Jessica's big-fur-sister checking things out. Eventually, somehow, we're gonna have to train her... EEK.
Jessica says "hi!" and wants to wish everyone a merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My Big, Fat Preggo Brain
So... I was thumbing through some old posts on T's blog and noticed her crib posts. That's when I realized that I probably hadn't posted any myself. Checked here and sure enough, my big, fat preggo brain farted on me and I have never even showed off JessyNicole's digs lately!
The first pic is of her complete, convertible crib and dresser, thanks to her Grandma. I put on the mobile right away out of my own excitement (said mobile came from one of mommy's cousins). The toys are still in their packaging (even today) because while mommy's excited to take them out and let them DANGLE, she's cautious about the cats mistaking it for *THEIR* new toy. So up in the bags the dangly things stay, for now. Heck, mommy's already seen evidence that both kitties have done a thorough investigation of Jessy's chariot- they always leave their hairs behind. ;) FTR, the canopies are now closed to investigation.
And without much further ado, Jessy's digs!
These are the letters that I fussed over and worked on for so long... FINISHED!

Thanks, Gwammy! (This second pic more accurately reflects the color than the first. And they say the camera doesn't lie! pffftht!)
...and this will be JessyNicole's first crib.
The first pic is of her complete, convertible crib and dresser, thanks to her Grandma. I put on the mobile right away out of my own excitement (said mobile came from one of mommy's cousins). The toys are still in their packaging (even today) because while mommy's excited to take them out and let them DANGLE, she's cautious about the cats mistaking it for *THEIR* new toy. So up in the bags the dangly things stay, for now. Heck, mommy's already seen evidence that both kitties have done a thorough investigation of Jessy's chariot- they always leave their hairs behind. ;) FTR, the canopies are now closed to investigation.
And without much further ado, Jessy's digs!
JessyNicole's first "crib" came from mommy's godmother/Jessy's great-aunt. It currently resides at grammy's house but will come home when JessyNicole does.
Let's see here... we have Jessica's crib and dresser, stroller and carseat, some clothes, the highchair, a bassinet for her first few months (she can bunk with us! YAY!), about 4 1/2 weeks til full-term... YIKES on that last one, but yay!!
Let's see here... we have Jessica's crib and dresser, stroller and carseat, some clothes, the highchair, a bassinet for her first few months (she can bunk with us! YAY!), about 4 1/2 weeks til full-term... YIKES on that last one, but yay!!
baby travel,
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Last, but not least...
We had our final baby class today. It was over safety and CPR. The CPR seemed fairly easy and we even got our own dummies to take home w/DVD's and everything so we can practice. However while I practice, I'll be praying that I don't ever have to use it. The dummy is basically an inflatable-doll version of a baby. I couldn't help but to chuckle a bit when the nurse teaching our class said to "blow up our babies." My big ol' preggo belly made it hard to stoop over the table to practice giving the blow-up baby breaths, so I scooted my chair in and out some 500 times between giving compressions and breaths. I made it work, though, and while I wouldn't dare cal myself an expert at this CPR thing I have some of the basic motions down.
We practiced and played with Miss Jessy's carseat and base after we got home. Took about two minutes to literally click it into my car since I have LATCH anchors actually in the seats. Keith's car, not so simple. We tried belting the base into the middle position of the backseat (as picky mommy prefers) but couldn't get it tight enough so we had to move to the side of the car where there is a shoulder belt. BONUS: My car has a shoulder strap in the middle! No tethers in the seats in his car, but surprisingly enough we discovered them above the backseat of his 2001 sedan. Go figure. 2001! The LATCH is in all cars 2002 and after! But when she is ready to forward face, they're there... assuming we still own that car. LOL
Now, if I could only go get off my lazy butt to do some cleaning around the house. If it's Jessica-prep work I'm all over it. But regular ol' cleaning just doesn't appeal to me- and here I am, 32 weeks and 3 days pregnant, living in a messy house! Not good. I know I sure as heck won't feel like cleaning once Her Snowiness arrives, that's for sure.
We practiced and played with Miss Jessy's carseat and base after we got home. Took about two minutes to literally click it into my car since I have LATCH anchors actually in the seats. Keith's car, not so simple. We tried belting the base into the middle position of the backseat (as picky mommy prefers) but couldn't get it tight enough so we had to move to the side of the car where there is a shoulder belt. BONUS: My car has a shoulder strap in the middle! No tethers in the seats in his car, but surprisingly enough we discovered them above the backseat of his 2001 sedan. Go figure. 2001! The LATCH is in all cars 2002 and after! But when she is ready to forward face, they're there... assuming we still own that car. LOL
Now, if I could only go get off my lazy butt to do some cleaning around the house. If it's Jessica-prep work I'm all over it. But regular ol' cleaning just doesn't appeal to me- and here I am, 32 weeks and 3 days pregnant, living in a messy house! Not good. I know I sure as heck won't feel like cleaning once Her Snowiness arrives, that's for sure.
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